Meet the Team

Get to know the faces behind Cosmic Force.

Max Power

Max Power


Max Power is the driving force behind our company's vision and success. With a wealth of experience in leadership and strategic planning, Max ensures that our company remains on the path to growth and innovation. Known for their ability to inspire and motivate teams, Max believes in fostering a collaborative environment where everyone's ideas are valued and encouraged.

Ima Coder

Ima Coder


Ima Coder is our technological genius and visionary. With an exceptional understanding of the latest advancements in technology, Ima leads our technical team in creating innovative solutions and staying ahead of the curve. Their expertise in software development, data analysis, and emerging technologies drives our company's technological excellence and ensures our products are at the forefront of the industry.

Miles Ahead

Miles Ahead


Miles Ahead steers the ship of Cosmic Force's project initiatives. His exceptional skill in managing email communications and his eye for detail make him indispensable in researching and organizing everything from Kickstarter campaigns to product development. Miles is the person who maps out all the necessary steps, contacts suppliers for quotes, and ensures each task is executed perfectly. He believes that success lies in staying several steps ahead in planning and execution.

Penny Wise

Penny Wise


Penny Wise is our financial wizard, meticulously managing the fiscal health of our company. With a sharp eye for detail and a deep understanding of financial analysis, Penny ensures the soundness of our financial decisions. Their expertise in budgeting, forecasting, and financial planning helps steer our company towards sustainable growth and profitability. Penny's strategic insights and financial acumen are invaluable in shaping our company's success.

Brandi Buzz

Brandi Buzz

Marketing Director

Brandi Buzz is the creative force behind our company's marketing strategies. With an infectious passion for storytelling and connecting with audiences, Brandi brings our brand to life. Their deep understanding of market trends, consumer behavior, and digital platforms allows them to craft impactful campaigns that resonate with our target audience. Brandi's knack for building strong brand identities ensures our company stands out in the competitive landscape.

Alpha Mind

Alpha Mind

AI Team Member

Alpha Mind is our highly intelligent and cutting-edge AI team member. With advanced natural language processing capabilities and a vast knowledge base, Alpha Mind assists our team in various aspects of the business. From data analysis and market research to providing insights and suggestions, Alpha Mind's expertise helps us make informed decisions and discover new opportunities. As an integral part of our team, Alpha Mind continually learns and adapts, enhancing our company's efficiency and innovation.

© 2024 Cosmic Force Enterprises Ltd.